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Inconsistent Backup Configuration


Cloud Manager has detected that the configuration for a backup does not match the configuration of the MongoDB deployment.

As some settings affect the on-disk format or the process of applying oplog, the backup process encourages users to verify that their backup configurations are consistent with their deployed configurations. This alert triggers if no node in your deployment exactly matches your backup configuration.

Common Triggers

  • The storage engine of a deployment has changed since backup was started.
  • The MongoDB deployment has changed its startup options since backup was started. The startup options that you should ensure match your backup are:
    • nssize
    • directoryperdb
    • smallfiles
    • wiredTigerDirectoryForIndexes
    • wiredTigerBlockCompressor

Possible Solutions

  • Update the storage engine from the Backup dashboard. This triggers a resync of the backup.
  • If the startup options are inconsistent, resync the backup manually from the Backup dashboard.


  • Inconsistent backup configuration has been detected alert condition