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  • Public API Resources

Public API Resources

The Cloud Manager API exposes the following resources:


Name Description
Root The starting point for the Cloud Manager Public API. From here, you can traverse the links to reach all other API resources.


Name Description
Hosts Retrieves and edits the MongoDB processes in your deployment.
Disks Retrieves the disks and disk partitions on which MongoDB runs. Available only on Automated deployments.
Databases Retrieves a host’s MongoDB databases.
Clusters Retrieves and edits the deployment’s replica sets and sharded clusters.

Measurements and Alerts

Name Description
Measurements Retrieves data points for your deployments.
Alerts Retrieves and acknowledges alerts.
Alert Configurations Retrieves and edits alert configurations, which define the conditions that trigger alerts and the methods of notification.
Events Retrieves organization and project events.
Maintenance Windows Turns off alert notifications for specified alert types for a period of time, to allow maintenance to occur.
Performance Advisor Monitor slow queries and get suggested indexes from the Cloud Manager Performance Advisor.
Third-Party Integration Settings Integrate Cloud Manager with third-party monitoring services to receive alerts.

Projects and Users


Groups and projects are synonymous terms. Your {PROJECT-ID} is the same as your project id. For existing groups, your group/project id remains the same. This page uses the more familiar term group when referring to descriptions. The endpoint remains as stated in the document.

Name Description
Projects Retrieves and edits projects and project membership.
Users Retrieves and edits users and their roles.
Whitelist (Deprecated) Retrieves and edits addresses on a user’s whitelist.

Programmatic API Keys

Name Description
Organization Programmatic API Keys Retrieves and manages programmatic API keys for Organizations.
Organization Programmatic API Key Whitelists Retrieves and edits addresses on an Organization programmatic API key’s whitelist.
Organization API Keys on Projects Retrieves and assigns Organization programmatic API keys to Projects.

Organizations and Teams

Name Description
Organizations Creates, retrieves, renames, and deletes organizations.
Teams Retrieves teams.

Backup and Restore

Name Description
Backup Configurations Retrieves and edits the settings used to back up MongoDB.
Snapshot Schedule Retrieves and edits how often Cloud Manager captures snapshots and how long Cloud Manager retains them.
Snapshots Retrieves snapshot metadata and removes existing snapshots.
Checkpoints Retrieves checkpoint metadata.
Restore Jobs Retrieves and creates requests to restore your data to a previous state.


Name Description
Automation Configuration Retrieve and update the project’s automation configuration, which defines the deployment’s MongoDB processes and agents. Available only on Automated deployments.
Get Automation Status of Latest Plan View the status of the latest automation configuration. Available only on Automated deployments.
Get Automation Status of Last 50 Plans View the status of the 50 most recent automation configurations. Available only on Automated deployments.

Log Collection Jobs

Name Description
Log Collection Jobs Retrieves and creates Cloud Manager log collection jobs. Can also download Cloud Manager deployment logs.

Feature Control Policies

Name Description
Feature Control Policies Retrieves and manages feature control policies that external systems use.

Live Migration from Cloud Manager to MongoDB Atlas

Name Description
Live Data Migration from Cloud Manager to MongoDB Atlas Connects a Cloud Manager organization to an MongoDB Atlas organization. This connection allows you to migrate your data from a deployment in Cloud Manager to a target cluster in Atlas.