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Log Collection Jobs

You can use the Cloud Manager API to download Cloud Manager deployment logs. Once a log collection request has been made, Cloud Manager downloads the logs in a background job. Use the following endpoints to create, modify, and retrieve Cloud Manager log collection jobs.

To use the Log Collection resources, you must be a Cloud Manager user with the Global Monitoring Admin project role.


Groups and projects are synonymous terms. Your {PROJECT-ID} is the same as your project id. For existing groups, your group/project id remains the same. This page uses the more familiar term group when referring to descriptions. The endpoint remains as stated in the document.

Base URL:


The following lists the endpoints available for the log collection jobs resource.

Method Endpoint Description
GET /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/logCollectionJobs Retrieves all available log collection jobs in the specified project.
GET /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/logCollectionJobs/{JOB-ID} Retrieves a single log collection job as specified by the jobId.
GET /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/logCollectionJobs/{JOB-ID}/download Downloads the logs from a single log collection job.
POST /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/logCollectionJobs Create a new log collection job for a given resource.
PATCH /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/logCollectionJobs/{JOB-ID} Extend the expiry date of a specified log collection job.
PUT /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/logCollectionJobs/{JOB-ID}/retry Retry a failed log collection job.
DELETE /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/logCollectionJobs/{JOB-ID} Delete a specified log collection job.