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Organization Programmatic API Keys

Base URL:

Use the /orgs/{ORG-ID}/apiKeys resource to view, create, or delete Programmatic |api| Keys within the specified Cloud Manager organization.


To use these endpoints, grant the following roles to an Project API Key or user in your Organization:

Role Possible Action
Any role in the Organization Retrieve Organization API Keys
Organization Owner or Organization User Admin Create, update, or delete a Organization API Key


Method Endpoint Description
GET /orgs/{ORG-ID}/apiKeys Get all API Keys for the organization identified with {ORG-ID}.
GET /orgs/{ORG-ID}/apiKeys/{API-KEY-ID} Get one API Key for the organization identified with {ORG-ID}.
POST /orgs/{ORG-ID}/apiKeys Create an API Key for the organization identified with {ORG-ID}.
PATCH /orgs/{ORG-ID}/apiKeys/{API-KEY-ID} Update one API Key for the organization identified with {ORG-ID}.
DELETE /orgs/{ORG-ID}/apiKeys/{API-KEY-ID} Delete the API Key with ID {API-KEY-ID}.