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Get All Invoices for One Organization

Base URL:


GET /orgs/{ORG-ID}/invoices/

Request Path Parameters

Name Type Description
ORG-ID string Unique identifier of the organization.

Request Query Parameters

The following query parameters are optional:

Name Type Necessity Description Default
pageNum number Optional One-based integer that returns a subsection of results. 1
itemsPerPage number Optional Number of items to return per page, up to a maximum of 500. 100
pretty boolean Optional Flag that indicates whether the response body should be in a prettyprint format. false
envelope boolean Optional

Flag that indicates whether or not to wrap the response in an envelope.

Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope : true in the query.

For endpoints that return a list of results, the results object is an envelope. Cloud Manager adds the status field to the response body.


Request Body Parameters

This endpoint does not use HTTP request body parameters.


Each document in the result array represents one invoice. Charges are typically posted the next day.

Name Type Description
amountBilledCents number Amount billed in this invoice, calculated as subtotalCents + salesTaxCents - startingBalanceCents.
amountPaidCents number Amount paid for this invoice, in USD cents.
created string Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when this invoice was created.
creditsCents number Amount credited by MongoDB, in USD cents.
endDate string Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when the billing period for this invoice ended.
id string Unique identifier for this invoice.
links object array One or more links to sub-resources and/or related resources. The relation-types between URLs are explained in the Web Linking Specification.
groupId string Unique identifier of the project with which the invoice is associated. Does not appear on all invoices.
orgId string Unique identifier for the organization that received this invoice.
salesTaxCents number Amount of taxes levied on subtotalCents.
startDate string Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC of the starting date for this invoice.
statusName string

State of this invoice. Accepted values are:

Status Description
CLOSED All charges for the subscription cycle have been finalized, the balance is more than zero, and the customer has not been charged yet.
FAILED An attempt to charge the credit card for the amount due failed.
FORGIVEN The customer has been charged, but the charge has been forgiven.
FREE The amount turned out to be zero, so the customer is not charged.
PAID The funds have been transferred to MongoDB, Inc.
PENDING Includes charges for the current subscription cycle. A customer should never have more than one invoice in this state.
PREPAID The customer is on a prepaid plan, so the customer is not charged.
subtotalCents number Sum of all positive invoice line items in USD cents.
updated string Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when the invoice was last updated.

Example Request

curl --user "{PUBLIC-KEY}:{PRIVATE-KEY}" --digest \
     --include \
     --request GET "{ORG-ID}/invoices/?pretty=true"

Example Response

   "links" : [ {
     "href" : "{ORG-ID}/invoices/?pretty=true&pageNum=1&itemsPerPage=100",
     "rel" : "self"
   } ],
   "results" : [ {
     "amountBilledCents" : 0,
     "amountPaidCents" : 0,
     "created" : "2018-06-01T04:05:10Z",
     "endDate" : "2018-07-01T00:00:00Z",
     "id" : "{INVOICE-ID}",
     "links" : [ {
       "href" : "{ORG-ID}/invoices/{INVOICE-ID}",
       "rel" : "self"
     } ],
     "orgId" : "{ORG-ID}",
     "salesTaxCents" : 0,
     "startDate" : "2018-06-01T00:00:00Z",
     "startingBalanceCents" : 0,
     "statusName" : "PENDING",
     "subtotalCents" : 0,
     "updated" : "2018-06-01T04:05:10Z"
   }, {
     "amountBilledCents" : 726,
     "amountPaidCents" : 726,
     "created" : "2018-02-01T06:05:04Z",
     "endDate" : "2018-03-01T00:00:00Z",
     "id" : "{INVOICE-ID}",
     "links" : [ {
       "href" : "{ORG-ID}/invoices/{INVOICE-ID}",
       "rel" : "self"
     } ],
     "orgId" : "{ORG-ID}",
     "salesTaxCents" : 57,
     "startDate" : "2018-02-01T00:00:00Z",
     "startingBalanceCents" : 0,
     "statusName" : "PAID",
     "subtotalCents" : 669,
     "updated" : "2018-03-01T07:00:54Z"
   } ],
   "totalCount" : 16