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Restore Jobs

The restoreJobs resource allows you to manage restore jobs. A restore job is essentially one request to retrieve one of your existing snapshots to restore one mongod to one previous state. To initiate one restore job, you must issue the request from an IP address on your user account’s whitelist.


Restore delivery via SCP has been removed as of March 27, 2018.


Groups and projects are synonymous terms. Your {PROJECT-ID} is the same as your project id. For existing groups, your group/project id remains the same. This page uses the more familiar term group when referring to descriptions. The endpoint remains as stated in the document.

Base URL:


The following lists the endpoints available for restore jobs.

Method Endpoint Description
GET /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/clusters/{CLUSTER-ID}/restoreJobs Get All Restore Jobs for One Cluster
GET /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/clusters/{CLUSTER-ID}/restoreJobs?batchid={BATCH-ID} Get All Restore Jobs for One Batch for One Cluster
GET /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/clusters/{CLUSTER-ID}/restoreJobs/{JOB-ID} Get One Restore Job for One Cluster
POST /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/clusters/{CLUSTER-ID}/restoreJobs Create One Restore Job for One Cluster

Deprecated when using MongoDB 3.4

As of MongoDB 3.4, mirrored config server deployments (also known as SCCC) are no longer supported. The following API methods work with SCCC config servers only. To learn how to convert your config servers from SCCC to a replica set (also known as CSRS), see Upgrade Config Servers to Replica Set in the MongoDB Server Manual.

Method Endpoint Description
GET /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/hosts/{HOST-ID}/restoreJobs Get All Restore Jobs for One Legacy Mirrored Config Server
GET /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/hosts/{HOST-ID}/restoreJobs/{JOB-ID} Get One Restore Job for One Legacy Mirrored Config Server
POST /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/hosts/{HOST-ID}/restoreJobs Create One Restore Job for One Legacy Mirrored Config Server