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FAQ: Automation EoL for MongoDB 3.2

This addresses common questions about Automation End of Life for MongoDB 3.2 in Cloud Manager.

What is happening?

The Automation Agent is ending support for MongoDB 3.2 in Cloud Manager. MongoDB 3.2 reached its End of Life in September of 2018. Addition support was provided via Automation for a year in order to provide time to upgrade to a supported version of MongoDB.

When is this happening?

On November 12, 2019 MongoDB Servers running 3.2 in Cloud Manager will be unmanaged, meaning removed from Automation.

What does “unmanaged” mean?

It means Automation will no longer manage your MongoDB 3.2 deployments. To use Automation again in Cloud Manager – to return to management – after November 12, one must either manually upgrade the cluster(s) and and then reimport the cluster(s) to be managed or move to MongoDB’s Database as a Service Offering, MongoDB Atlas.


Unmanaged simply means removed from Automation, your MongoDB installation will not be impacted in any other way.

What are my options to prepare for November 12?

You have two possible paths forward, the choice is yours:

  • Upgrade your 3.2 cluster to a supported MongoDB Version (3.4 and up) before November 12 via Cloud Manager.
  • Transition to MongoDB’s Database as a Service, MongoDB Atlas, using the incredibly easy to use Live Migrate:

What about Backup and Monitoring?

While backup and monitoring are not directly impacted by this EoL any Monitoring or Backup features that you utilize that depend on Automation provided services will no longer function after November 12 for 3.2 deployments. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • MongoDB log management,
  • Data Explorer,
  • Performance Advisor, and
  • Automated Restores.

My config servers use SCCC, not CSRS. Do I need to change that?

In ending the life of MongoDB 3.2, MongoDB also removes the ability to use Automation to convert from SCCC to CSRS.

Impacted users were notified in May 2019 to provide additional time since this is a required step before upgrading further. If you wish to use Automation to convert your config servers follow this tutorial.

After conversion, follow one of the options under the question What are my options to prepare for November 12?

If you do not convert the config servers with Automation before November 12, you must convert the config servers manually and upgrade to a supported MongoDB version before you can re-import your configuration for Cloud Manager to manage.