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Cloud Manager Backup Agreement Overview

This is a human-readable summary of some of the key terms of the full agreement. It has no legal value. You should carefully review all terms of the actual license before agreeing.

Who Needs this License?

This new license is available only to customers who:

  1. Are currently paying for a Cloud Manager Backup subscription but do not have a MongoDB Enterprise Server subscription, and
  2. Want to upgrade to MongoDB 4.2 or later.

What Does this License Allow?

The agreement grants you a license to install and use the backup features of the MongoDB 4.2 Enterprise Server only during the term of your Cloud Manager Backup subscription.

The license allows you to use the Enterprise backup features. It does not grant you rights to use any other features of the MongoDB Enterprise Server.

If you would like to access and use all of the features of the MongoDB Enterprise Server, please download the MongoDB Enterprise Advanced Datasheet for more information or contact us for pricing details.

How Can I Use MongoDB 4.2 Enterprise for Backups?

If you are paying for Cloud Manager Backup, you can:

  1. Upgrade to MongoDB 4.2 Enterprise or later; and
  2. Review and accept the terms of the new license in the Cloud Manager console.

Why Is MongoDB Offering this License?

MongoDB is offering this upgrade path and license to customers who use Cloud Manager Backup because:

  • MongoDB enhanced the backup process of the core server.
  • These enhancements are unavailable in the MongoDB Community Server.

When Do I Need to Upgrade to MongoDB Enterprise?

If you want to use MongoDB 4.2 for your clusters, you must follow this new upgrade path. You cannot back up MongoDB 4.2 databases using Cloud Manager Backup with MongoDB 4.2 Community Server.