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Backup Agent Changelog

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The Backup and Monitoring Agent have been merged into the Automation Agent, which will now be known as the MongoDB Agent. Learn more about this change.

Backup Agent

Released 2019-05-02

  • Fix: Log optimizations when applying oplogs during a point in time restore.

Backup Agent

Released 2019-04-16

  • Convert to new MongoDB Go Driver

Backup Agent

Released 2019-03-05

  • Work to support the upcoming MongoDB 4.2 release.

Backup Agent

Released 2019-02-13

  • Increased timeouts when applying oplogs during a point in time restore.
  • Prevent failures during long-running index builds during a point in time restore.

Backup Agent

Released 2019-01-23

Backup Agent

Released 2019-01-03

  • Built on Go 1.10.

Backup Agent

Released 2018-12-05

  • Built on Go 1.9.

Backup Agent

Released 2018-10-04

  • Improved handling of expiration of the queryable backup tunnel utility.

Backup Agent

Released 2018-08-01

  • Fix file extension when downloading a Backup Agent in Microsoft Edge and Firefox.
  • Ensure that the UUID of the system.views collection is preserved during a Backup initial sync.

Backup Agent

Released 2018-07-16

  • Maintain UUID for system.views collection by copying it on initial sync.

Backup Agent

Released 2018-06-04

  • Fix deadlock in underlying Go driver.

Backup Agent

Released 2018-05-31

  • Make responseHeaderTimeout configurable.
  • Support for upcoming MongoDB 4.0 release.

Backup Agent

Released 2018-05-09

  • Support for persistent HTTPS connections (default to off).

Backup Agent

Released 2018-03-28

  • Fix corrupted build for RHEL6.

Backup Agent

Released 2018-03-27

  • Logging enhancements.

Backup Agent

Released 2018-03-06

  • Fix: Backup Agent should produce an error message and not crash when erroneous authentication credentials are provided for a source cluster.

Backup Agent

Released 2018-02-13

  • During a PIT restore, suppress errors when dropping non-existent namespaces.
  • During a PIT restore, always apply oplogs with upsert=true.

Backup Agent

Released 2018-01-23

  • Fix: Send compound index keys as ordered BSON.
  • Fix: Send less detailed data in the initial summary payload at the start of an initial sync. Collect more detailed data for each collection individually.

Backup Agent

Released 2018-01-08

  • Fix: Relax validation when krb5ConfigLocation parameter is specified. This no longer implies that krb5Principal and krb5Keytab are required.
  • Fix: Use correct format for point in time restore oplog seed when no oplog are available.

Backup Agent

Released 2017-11-19

Fix: Upgrades of the Backup Agent performed by the Automation Agent were missing a parameter on Windows.

Backup Agent

Released 2017-11-14

Support for upcoming release of MongoDB 3.6.

Backup Agent

Released 2017-10-26

  • Support for upcoming release of MongoDB 3.6.

Backup Agent

Released 2017-10-25

  • Support for upcoming release of MongoDB 3.6.

Backup Agent

Released 2017-09-13

  • Use BSON.d for missing docs.

Backup Agent

Released 2017-08-25

  • Allow oplogs for a point in time restore to be applied client-side.

Backup Agent

Released 2017-08-01

  • Support for optimized point in time restores.

Backup Agent

Released 2017-07-11

  • During initial sync, add verification that shard name matches the expected shard name.

Backup Agent

Released 2017-06-15

  • Use HTTP basic auth to authenticate HTTPS requests between the Backup Agent and
  • Performance enhancement: Use bson.Raw for initial sync.

Backup Agent

Released 2017-04-19

  • Reduce memory used during initial sync.
  • Ensure messages printed to STDOUT and STDERR is also included in the Backup Agent log file.

Backup Agent

Released 2017-03-29

  • Optimization for collection of data in the initial sync phase. (Recompiled with the MGO-128 fix.)

Backup Agent

Released 2017-01-23

  • Support for macOS Sierra.
  • Compiled with Go 1.7.4.
  • Fix: Can send logs to Cloud Manager for Backup Agents running on Windows.

Backup Agent

Released 2016-12-13

  • Handle capped collections that are capped using a floating point size.

Backup Agent

Released 2016-11-21

  • Support for MongoDB 3.4 Views.
  • Support for MongoDB 3.4 featureCompatiblityVersion.

Backup Agent

Released 2016-11-07

  • Allow managed Backup Agents to be run as a service on Windows.

Backup Agent

Released 2016-09-14

  • Update of underlying Go driver.
  • Partial support for upcoming major release of MongoDB 3.4.0.
  • Partial support for Kerberos on Windows.

Backup Agent

Released 2016-08-24

  • Support for Power Linux.

Backup Agent

Released 2016-07-12

  • Agent support for restarting incremental initial syncs.

Backup Agent

Released 2016-05-16

  • Updated to use Go 1.6.

Backup Agent

Released 2016-04-20

  • Added support for log rotation.
  • Added a sticky header to log files.

Backup Agent

Released 2016-02-18

  • Use systemD management on RHEL7 and Ubuntu 16.04.
  • Set ulimits in the packaged builds.

Backup Agent

Released 2016-01-07

  • Added the ability to customize the Kerberos configuration file location.
  • Added support to tune the number of concurrent initial syncs.
  • Added support to adjust the size of the oplog and sync slice channels according to the size of the documents: this can lower memory consumption.

Backup Agent

Released 2015-11-02

  • Support for streaming initial syncs.
  • Support for MongoDB 3.2 clusters with config server replica sets.

Backup Agent

Released 2015-10-14

  • Upgraded to Go 1.5.1.

Backup Agent

Released 2015-09-16

  • Built with Go 1.5.0.
  • Fix: Ignore collections deleted during an initial sync.

Backup Agent

Released 2015-08-10

  • Added fix to not trim spaces from collection names.
  • Upgraded to new version of snappy compression library.

Backup Agent

Released 2015-07-15

  • Added minor optimization to explicitly set the Content-Type on HTTP requests.

Backup .. _bgent-5.0.286-1:

Backup Agent

Released 2015-06-24

  • Updated documentation and setting URLs to
  • Added support for backing up selected namespaces. This functionality is not yet exposed in the Cloud Manager user interface.

Backup Agent

Released 2015-04-22

  • Added an explicit timeout for SSL connections to mongod instances.
  • Added an optimization for syncs of collections with lots of small documents.
  • The Kerberos credentials cache now uses a fixed name.

Backup Agent

Released 2015-03-10

Logging improvements.

Backup Agent

Released 2015-02-23

Ability to monitor and back up deployments without managing them through Automation. Specifically, you can import an existing deployment into Monitoring and then use Cloud Manager to back up the deployment.

  • Support for x.509 certificate authentication.
  • Fix: A race condition which could result in inconsistent clustershots for MongoDB 3.0+ sharded clusters using the backup role no longer occurs.

Backup Agent

Released 2015-01-08

Logging improvements for Windows.

Backup Agent

Released 2015-01-08

Enhancements to support backup of MongoDB 3.0.

Backup Agent

Released 2014-12-17

Agent now encodes all collection meta-data. Avoids edge-case issues with unexpected characters in collection settings.

Backup Agent

Released 2014-12-04

Can now explicitly pass collections options for the WiredTiger storage engine from the backed up mongod to Cloud Manager.

Backup Agent

Released 2014-11-12

The Backup Agent will now identify itself to the Cloud Manager servers using the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the server on which it is running.

Backup Agent

Released 2014-11-06

Use no-timeout cursors to work around MGO-53.

Backup Agent

Released 2014-10-29

  • When tailing the oplog, the agent no longer pre-fetches the next batch of oplog entries before exhausting the current batch.
  • Adds support for non-default Kerberos service names.
  • Adds support for RHEL7.

Backup Agent

Released 2014-09-30

Minor logging change, clarifying when stopping the balancer if there is no balancer settings document.

Backup Agent 2.5.0

Released 2014-09-10

Added support for authentication using MongoDB 2.4 style client certificates.

Backup Agent

Released 2014-08-19

The Backup Agent will now capture a checkpoint even if it is unable to stop the balancer. These checkpoints are not guaranteed to be consistent, because of in-progress chunk migrations. The user interface identifies these checkpoints.

Backup Agent

Released 2014-07-29

  • Upgraded agent to use to Go 1.3.
  • Added support for version and -version.
  • Added support for connecting to hosts using LDAP authentication.
  • Agent now provides additional logging information when the Backup Agent manipulates the balancer.
  • Agent now supports configuring HTTP with the config file.

Backup Agent

Released 2014-07-09

Fixes issue with agent on Windows using the MONGODB-CR authentication mechanism.

Backup Agent

Released 2014-07-08

  • Fixes issues with connecting to replica set members that use auth with an updated Go client library.
  • Agent is now able to send a stack trace of its current state to Cloud Manager.
  • Fixes regression in the Agent’s rollback handling.

Backup Agent

Released 2014-06-17

Support for a new API t hat allows Cloud Manager to ingest oplog entries before the entire payload has reached the Cloud Manager servers.

Backup Agent

Released 2014-05-28

  • Agent supports deployment architectures with multiple active (i.e. primary) Backup Agents.
  • Improved stability around oplog tokens for environments with unstable networks.

Backup Agent

Released 2014-05-19

  • Critical update for users running the MongoDB 2.6 series that use authorization.
  • The Backup Agent now includes system.version and system.role collections from the admin database in the initial sync.

Backup Agent

Released 2014-05-09

The agent now sends oplog slices to Cloud Manager in batches to increase throughout and stability.

Backup Agent

  • Major stability update.
  • Prevent a file descriptor leak.
  • Correct handling of timeouts for connections hung in the TLS/SSL handshaking phase.

Backup Agent

Support for using the Backup Agent via an HTTP proxy

Backup Agent

  • Allow upgrading the agent using the Windows MSI installer.
  • Improved logging.
  • Fix an open files leak on bad HTTP responses.

Backup Agent

  • Added support for Windows MSI installer.
  • For sharded clusters, less aggressive polling to determine if balancer has been stopped.
  • Fail fast on connections to mongods that are not responding.

Backup Agent

Added support for sharded cluster checkpoints that add additional points-in-time, in between scheduled snapshots, that Cloud Manager can use to create restores. Configure checkpoints using the Edit Snapshot Schedule link and interface.

This version marks a change in the numbering scheme of Backup Agents to support improved packaging options for the Backup Agent.

Backup Agent v20131216.1

  • Added support for connecting to MongoDB instances running TLS.
  • The agent will try to use additional mongos instances to take a cluster snapshot if the first mongos is unavailable.

Backup Agent v20131118.0

  • Significantly reduced the amount of time needed by the agent to detect situations that require a resync.
  • Allow automatic resync operations for config servers in sharded clusters. The agent can now resync automatically from these servers.

Backup Agent v20130923.0

When the agent sends the initial meta-data about the data to back up (e.g. the list of databases, collections,and indexes,) to the Cloud Manager API, the agent will not include any databases or collections in the “excluded namespace” configuration.

Backup Agent v20130826.0

Adds support for managing excluded namespaces: Backup Agent no longer sends data for excluded collections or databases.

Backup Agent v20130812.1

Major stability update

If the communication between the Backup Agent and the Cloud Manager API is interrupted, the Backup Agent can more reliably recover the current state. This results in fewer “resync required” errors.