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Remove Monitoring Agents from Cloud Manager

Legacy Monitoring Agent has been removed

This Agent has been updated from your self-managed legacy Monitoring Agent to the MongoDB Agent.

View Active Agents

To view your active Monitoring Agents, click Deployment, then the Agents tab, then All Agents.

Active agents are those that have pinged Cloud Manager in the last 5 minutes.

Remove from Cloud Manager

To remove a Monitoring Agent from Cloud Manager, stop the agent and then wait 5 minutes.

When an agent fails to ping Cloud Manager for 5 minutes, Cloud Manager views the agent as inactive and distributes the agent’s assignments to other agents (if available).


The All Agents page displays an inactive agent for 24 hours before Cloud Manager removes it from the page.

Delete from the Server

To delete the Monitoring Agent from a Linux or OSX server, stop the agent and then remove the mongodb-mms-monitoring-agent file from the /usr/bin directory. If you installed the agent using a tar.gz file, the agent will be in the directory you chose during installation.

To delete the Monitoring Agent from a Windows server, stop the agent and then use the Windows program uninstaller to remove the MongoDB Monitoring Agent program.