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Programmatic Access to Cloud Manager

To grant programmatic access to an organization or project using only the API, you can create an API key. API keys:

  • Have two parts: a Public Key and a Private Key.
  • Cannot be used to log into Cloud Manager through the user interface.
  • Must be granted roles as you would Users to make sure the API keys can call API endpoints without errors.
  • Can belong to one organization, but may be granted access to any number of projects in that organization.

Manage Programmatic Access to an Organization

Required Permissions

To perform any of the following actions, you must have the Organization Owner role.

Create an API Key in an Organization


Click the API Keys tab.


Click Create API Key.


Complete the API Key Information form.

From the API Key Information step of the Add API Key page:

Field Value
Description Enter a description for the new API Key.
Organization Permissions Select the new role or roles for the API Key.

Click Next.


Add Whitelist Values for this API Key.

From the Private Key & Whitelist step of the Add API Key page, click Add Whitelist Entry.

For this API Key, You can choose to either:

  • Enter an IPv4 address from which Cloud Manager should accept API requests, or
  • Click Use Current IP Address if the host you are using to access Cloud Manager will make API requests.

Click Save.

Copy the Private Key Before Leaving this Page

Cloud Manager displays the Private Key once: on this page. Click Copy to add the Private Key to the clipboard. Save and secure this Private Key as you would any other password.

View the Details of an API Key in an Organization


Navigate to the Access Manager page for your organization.

  1. If it is not already displayed, select your desired organization from the office icon Organizations menu in the navigation bar.
  2. Click Access Manager in the sidebar, or click Access Manager in the navigation bar, then click your organization.

Click the API Keys tab.


Change an API Key in an Organization

You can change the roles, description, or whitelist of an API Key in an Organization.


Navigate to the Access Manager page for your organization.

  1. If it is not already displayed, select your desired organization from the office icon Organizations menu in the navigation bar.
  2. Click Access Manager in the sidebar, or click Access Manager in the navigation bar, then click your organization.

Click the API Keys tab.


Select the API Key to edit.

  1. Click the ellipsis icon next to the API Key you want to change.
  2. Click Edit.

Complete the API Key Information form.

From the API Key Information step of the Add API Key page:

Field Value
Description Enter a description for the new API Key.
Organization Permissions Select the new role or roles for the API Key.

Click Next.


Add Whitelist Values for this API Key.

From the Private Key & Whitelist step of the Add API Key page, click Add Whitelist Entry.

For this API Key, You can choose to either:

  • Enter an IPv4 address from which Cloud Manager should accept API requests, or
  • Click Use Current IP Address if the host you are using to access Cloud Manager will make API requests.

Click Save.

Copy the Private Key Before Leaving this Page

Cloud Manager displays the Private Key once: on this page. Click Copy to add the Private Key to the clipboard. Save and secure this Private Key as you would any other password.

Delete an API Key from an Organization


Navigate to the Access Manager page for your organization.

  1. If it is not already displayed, select your desired organization from the office icon Organizations menu in the navigation bar.
  2. Click Access Manager in the sidebar, or click Access Manager in the navigation bar, then click your organization.

Click the API Keys tab.


Delete the API Key.

  1. Click trash icon next to the API Key that you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete to confirm that you want to delete this API Key or Cancel to leave the key in the Organization.


Removing an API Key from an Organization also removes that key from any projects to which the key was granted access.

Manage Programmatic Access to a Project

Required Permissions

To perform any of the following actions, you must have the Project User Admin role.

Create an API Key for a Project


Click the API Keys tab.


Click Create API Key.


Complete the API Key Information form.

From the API Key Information step of the Add API Key page:

Field Value
Description Enter a description for the new API Key.
Project Permissions Select the new role or roles for the API Key.

Click Next.


Add Whitelist Values for this API Key.

From the Private Key & Whitelist step of the Add API Key page, click Add Whitelist Entry.

For this API Key, You can choose to either:

  • Enter an IPv4 address from which Cloud Manager should accept API requests, or
  • Click Use Current IP Address if the host you are using to access Cloud Manager will make API requests.

Click Save.

Copy the Private Key Before Leaving this Page

Cloud Manager displays the Private Key once: on this page. Click Copy to add the Private Key to the clipboard. Save and secure this Private Key as you would any other password.

View the Details of an API Key in a Project


Navigate to the Access Manager page for your project.

  1. If it is not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the office icon Organizations menu in the navigation bar.
  2. If it is not already displayed, select your desired project from the Project menu in the navigation bar.
  3. Click Access Manager in the navigation bar, then click your project.

Click the API Keys tab.


Navigate to View Details.

  1. Next to the API Key, click ellipsis icon .

  2. Click View Details.

    The <Public Key> API Key Details modal displays the:

    • Obfuscated Private Key.
    • Date the Key was last used.
    • Date the Key was created.
    • IPv4 addresses on which the key is whitelisted.
    • Projects to which the Key has been granted access.

Change an API Key’s Roles in a Project


Navigate to the Access Manager page for your project.

  1. If it is not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the office icon Organizations menu in the navigation bar.
  2. If it is not already displayed, select your desired project from the Project menu in the navigation bar.
  3. Click Access Manager in the navigation bar, then click your project.

Click the API Keys tab.


Select the API Key to edit.

  1. Click the ellipsis icon next to the API Key you want to change.
  2. Click Edit.

Complete the API Key Information form.

From the API Key Information step of the Add API Key page:

Field Value
Description Enter a description for the new API Key.
Project Permissions Select the new role or roles for the API Key.

Click Next.


Add Whitelist Values for this API Key.

From the Private Key & Whitelist step of the Add API Key page, click Add Whitelist Entry.

For this API Key, You can choose to either:

  • Enter an IPv4 address from which Cloud Manager should accept API requests, or
  • Click Use Current IP Address if the host you are using to access Cloud Manager will make API requests.

Click Save.

Copy the Private Key Before Leaving this Page

Cloud Manager displays the Private Key once: on this page. Click Copy to add the Private Key to the clipboard. Save and secure this Private Key as you would any other password.

Delete an API Key from a Project


Navigate to the Access Manager page for your project.

  1. If it is not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the office icon Organizations menu in the navigation bar.
  2. If it is not already displayed, select your desired project from the Project menu in the navigation bar.
  3. Click Access Manager in the navigation bar, then click your project.

Click the API Keys tab.


Delete the API Key.

  1. Click trash icon next to the API Key that you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete to confirm that you want to delete this API Key or Cancel to leave the key in the Organization.


Removing an API Key from an Organization also removes that key from any projects to which the key was granted access.