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Migrate from Cloud Manager to Atlas


To live migrate data from the Cloud Manager-managed deployments to clusters in Atlas, you:

  1. Prepare a cluster in MongoDB Atlas.
  2. Provision a migration host in Cloud Manager and connect Cloud Manager to Atlas.
  3. Start the Live Migration process in Atlas.

You begin the process in Atlas, by running the Live Migration wizard. Depending on the stage in the process, you perform the Live Migration steps either in Atlas or in Cloud Manager. See Workflow for Live Migration.

To live migrate your MongoDB Community deployments to Atlas using Cloud Manager, see Migrate a MongoDB Community Deployment to Atlas.


  • You cannot select an M0 free cluster or M2/M5 shared cluster as the source or target for Live Migration. To migrate data from an M0 free cluster or M2/M5 shared cluster to a paid cluster, see Modify a Cluster.
  • Live Migration does not support VPC peering or private endpoints for either the source or target cluster.


Before you begin the Live Migration process, follow these prerequisites.

Create a Cluster in Atlas

Perform these tasks in Atlas:

Workflow for Live Migration

The following diagram describes the stages in the Live Migration workflow.

"To live migrate your deployment to Atlas, generate a link-token, provision a migration host, and start live migration."

The stages in the Live Migration workflow are:

  • Stage 1: Link with Atlas. Perform this step in Atlas, after provisioning a cluster.
    1. In the left-side panel of your organization’s page in MongoDB Atlas, click Live Migration.
    2. Select Migrate from Ops Manager or Cloud Manager and start the Live Migration wizard.
    3. In the Generate Link-Token step of the wizard, create the link-token. You will use this link-token in the next stage.
  • Stage 2: Provision Migration Host.
    • In Cloud Manager, provision a Migration Host. A migration host is a dedicated MongoDB Agent that orchestrates the live migration process from Cloud Manager to Atlas.
    • In the Live Migration: Connect to Atlas section of your Cloud Manager organization’s Settings page, select Connect to Atlas and enter the the link-token that you created in Atlas.
  • Stage 3: Start the Migration. In Atlas, follow the steps in the wizard to start the Live Migration process.

To learn more, see Live Migrate Your Data from Ops Manager or Cloud Manager.


The Live Migration process is CPU-intensive, and requires a cloud instance or an on-premises server with enough compute and storage capacity. Contact MongoDB Support for help with estimating your migration host’s storage and compute capacity.

Supported Platforms

Live Migration to Atlas is supported for all platforms on which you can provision a migration host. Provisioning of the migration host is supported on all platforms except for Windows or MacOS. You can still live migrate your data from a Windows- or macOS-based deployment to Atlas if you provision your migration host on one of its supported platforms.