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View All Clusters

The All Clusters view displays all Cloud Manager deployments/ MongoDB Atlas clusters to which the user belongs.

Access All Clusters View

Click the All Clusters link at the top left corner of Cloud Manager to view all Cloud Manager deployments/ MongoDB Atlas clusters that Cloud Manager manages.

To find an organization, a project, or a Cloud Manager deployment/ MongoDB Atlas cluster, you can enter part of its name in the search box.

Select the options within the dropdown menus to filter the displayed Cloud Manager deployment/ MongoDB Atlas cluster list.

The dropdown menus and their options include:

Menu Options
  • All (Default)
  • Nodes Available
  • Some Nodes Available
  • No Primary
  • Has Warnings & Alerts
Cloud Manager deployment/ MongoDB Atlas cluster Type
  • All (Default)
  • Standalones
  • Replica Sets
  • Sharded Clusters
MongoDB Version
  • All (Default)
  • <MongoDB Versions>
  • Inconsistent
Configuration settings
  • All (Default)
  • Auth OFF
  • Backup OFF

If no Projects within an Organization match the filter criteria, then that Organization will not appear in the results as well.


By default, Cloud Manager deployment/ MongoDB Atlas clusters without any contact with a Monitoring for the last 6 months are not displayed. To display these Cloud Manager deployments/ MongoDB Atlas clusters, click Show Inactive Clusters.

Cloud Manager Deployment/ MongoDB Atlas Cluster Details

The All Clusters view displays the Cloud Manager deployments/ MongoDB Atlas clusters by Organization/Projects.

The view displays the following information for each Cloud Manager deployment/ MongoDB Atlas cluster:

Field Description
Name The name of the Cloud Manager deployment/ MongoDB Atlas cluster.
Version MongoDB Version of the Cloud Manager deployment/ MongoDB Atlas cluster.
Data Size Size of the Cloud Manager deployment/ MongoDB Atlas cluster data.
Nodes Number of nodes in the Cloud Manager deployment/ MongoDB Atlas cluster.
Backup Backup enabled status.
SSL TLS/SSL enabled status.
Auth Authentication required status.
Alerts Number of open alerts.