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Monitor a Deployment

Cloud Manager collects and displays metrics for your servers, databases, and MongoDB processes in your Cloud Manager deployments. All hardware metrics include metrics or individual charts for maximum values.

View Metrics for a Replica Set

To view the metrics for a specific Cloud Manager replica set deployment in a project, click the Metrics button for that deployment. Alternatively, click on the name of the deployment to open the deployment overview, then click the Metrics tab.

The Metrics view has three distinct sections:

Chart Controls

Cloud Manager provides the following controls for the Metric view. Adjusting any of these options affects all charts displayed under the Metrics view:

Control Function
Granularity Modifies the granularity of metrics displayed for each chart. Select a granularity between 1 minute and 1 day (24 hours). Select Auto to automatically adjust the granularity based on the selected Zoom or Current Display date controls. Auto granularity selects the highest fidelity granularity available for the time range.
Zoom Modifies the date range of metrics displayed for each chart. Select a zoom range between 1 hour and 5 years. Adjusting the Zoom automatically adjusts the Current Display date range.
Current Display Modifies the start and end date-time range of metrics displayed for each chart. Modifying the start and end date sets the value of Zoom to custom and overrides the previously selected zoom level.
Toggle Members Limit charts to the selected replica set members. The P icon represents the primary replica set member, while the S icon represents a secondary member.
Add Chart Select one or more charts to display or hide. Adding charts using this dropdown is identical to adding charts from the Toggle Charts section of the Metrics view.
Display Opcounters on Separate Charts Directs Cloud Manager to split the Opcounters chart into its individual components. You can then choose to chart one or more of those components.
Display Timeline Annotations Directs Cloud Manager to display or hide chart annotations. Chart annotations consist of colored vertical lines that indicate server events, such as a server restart or a transition in member state.

Chart Display

When viewing charts, you can do the following:

Task Action
View a detailed description of a chart.

Hover your mouse over the chart to display the context menu.

Click the i icon next to the chart name to open the Chart Info modal. This modal includes a breakdown of the chart’s data series, the annotations available for that chart, and the operations the chart supports.

Expand a chart.

Hover your mouse over the chart to display the context menu.

Click the two-way arrow at the top right of the chart.

Zoom in on a period of time.

Click and drag the mouse pointer over a portion of the chart.

To reset to the originally selected range (zoom out), double-click the chart.


When you zoom in on a period of time, the Current Display date range in the chart control section automatically updates to reflect the selected period.

View statistics at a particular time. Hover the mouse pointer over a point on the chart.
Move a chart. Click and hold the grabber in the upper left corner of the chart, and drag the chart to the new position.
Share a URL to the chart.

Hover your mouse over the chart to display the context menu.

Click the curved arrow on the chart. Select Chart Permalink to retrieve a URL to the chart. Select Email Chart to e-mail the chart.

The recipient of the chart URL must have a Cloud Manager user account with access to the project and deployment.

Chart Selection

Cloud Manager displays the available metrics to chart for the selected deployment under the Toggle Charts header. Metrics are grouped into two sections:

MongoDB Metrics

Metrics associated with the MongoDB process. For metrics related to database performance, such as DB Storage, Cloud Manager presents the sum total across all databases in the deployment.

If you enable Display Opcounters on Separate Charts, Cloud Manager replaces the Opcounters option with the individual components of that chart.

Hardware Metrics

Metrics associated with the host machines supporting the deployment.

  • Charts marked with plus icon are inactive.
  • Charts marked with minus icon are active.

Click on any chart to toggle the chart state.

View Metrics for a Sharded Cluster deployment

To view the metrics for a specific Cloud Manager deployment in a project, click the Metrics button for that deployment. Alternatively, click on the name of the deployment to open the deployment overview, then click the Metrics tab.

The Metrics view has three distinct sections:

Chart Controls

Cloud Manager provides the following controls for the Metric view:

Control Function

Modifies the granularity of metrics displayed for each chart. Select a granularity between 1 minute and 1 day (24 hours). Select Auto to automatically adjust the granularity based on the selected Zoom or Current Display date controls.

Auto granularity selects the highest fidelity granularity available within the selected time range and sharded cluster metric rendering limits.

Sharded Cluster Metric Rendering Limits

In the Sharded Cluster metrics view, Cloud Manager renders a maximum of:

  • 3,000 data points for a single series, and
  • 100,000 total data points.

As a result, when rendering metrics for large deployments over a long period of time, Cloud Manager may display metrics at a lower granularity than is retained.


For Premium Cloud Manager users, Cloud Manager retains data for the past year with a granularity of 1 hour. A year’s worth of data results in 365 days * 24 hours, or 8760 data points per data series. Therefore, when rendering a year of historical metrics, Cloud Manager renders the chart at a lower granularity because it can only render a maximum 3,000 data points for a single series.

The granularity at which Cloud Manager gathers and stores metric data depends on your Cloud Manager plan. To learn more about metric data granularity, see Monitoring Metrics Per Plan.

Zoom Modifies the date range of metrics displayed for each chart. Select a zoom range between 1 hour and 5 years. Adjusting the Zoom automatically adjusts the Current Display date range.
Display Data

Directs Cloud Manager to display data based on the selected options

  • Individually - displays the selected metrics for each shard as an individual line.
  • Sum - displays the sum of the selected metrics across all shards in the deployment.
  • Averaged - displays the average of the selected metrics across all shards in the deployment.
Current Display Modifies the start and end date-time range of metrics displayed for each chart. Modifying the start and end date sets the value of Zoom to custom and overrides the previously selected zoom level.
Display Selects which metric to chart. You can display no more than one chart at a time.

Selects which sharded cluster components to display

  • SHARDS - displays metrics for each shard in the sharded cluster deployment.
  • MONGOS - displays metrics for each mongos in the sharded cluster deployment.
  • CONFIGS - displays metrics for the config server in the sharded cluster config server replica set.

Chart Display

When viewing charts, you can do the following:

Task Action
Zoom in on a period of time.

Click and drag the mouse pointer over a portion of the chart.

To reset to the originally selected range (zoom out), double-click the chart.


When you zoom in on a period of time, the Current Display date range in the chart control section automatically updates to reflect the selected period.

View statistics at a particular time. Hover the mouse pointer over a point on the chart.

Data Sources

Cloud Manager displays each data source that contributes to the metric chart in a table below the chart. The table consists of the following:

Column Description
Shard Name

When View is set to SHARDS, displays the name of each shard in the sharded cluster deployment.

When View is set to MONGOS or CONFIGS, displays the name of each mongos or config server mongod process in the sharded cluster deployment.

Click on a listed component to open the Metrics view for that component.

Alerts Indicates if there are any open alerts for the listed shard or process. Click on the alert icon to open the Alerts view for that shard or process. To learn more about responding to open alerts, see Manage Alerts.
Data Size

Only visible if View is set to SHARDS.

Indicates the logical size of all documents and indexes on the shard.


Only visible if View is set to SHARDS

Indicates which replica set members to show on the selected chart. Select Primaries, Secondaries or All.

Read, Write, and Queued Metric data related to the displayed chart. Hover over the corresponding column for a pop up with detailed information on the metrics shown.

View Metrics for a Single MongoDB Process

To view the metrics for a specific MongoDB process in a Cloud Manager deployment, click on that process from the Cluster view. The Cloud Manager process view displays three tabs for monitoring metrics for the process:

  • The Status tab displays the process metrics Cloud Manager collects from the selected mongod or mongos process.

  • The Hardware tab displays hardware metrics for the host machine supporting the selected mongod or mongos process.

  • The DB Stats tab displays the database metrics for the selected database.

    Cloud Manager retrieves database metrics every 20 minutes by default but adjusts frequency when necessary to reduce the impact on database performance. If the collection of database statistics still affects performance, you can disable collection by clicking Settings from the left-hand navigation, then Project Settings, and then setting Collect Database Specific Statistics to No.

The view for each tab has three distinct sections:

Chart Controls

Cloud Manager provides the following controls for the Status, Hardware, and DB Stats views. Adjusting any of these options affects all charts displayed under the selected view:

Control Function
Granularity Modifies the granularity of metrics displayed for each chart. Select a granularity between 1 minute and 1 day (24 hours). Select Auto to automatically adjust the granularity based on the selected Zoom or Current Display date controls. Auto granularity selects the highest fidelity granularity available for the time range.
Zoom Modifies the date range of metrics displayed for each chart. Select a zoom range between 1 hour and 5 years. Adjusting the Zoom automatically adjusts the Current Display date range.
Current Display Modifies the start and end date-time range of metrics displayed for each chart. Modifying the start and end date sets the value of Zoom to custom and overrides the previously selected zoom level.
Add Chart Select one or more charts to display or hide. Adding charts using this dropdown is identical to adding charts from the Toggle Charts section of the Metrics view.
Select Database Only visible for the DB Stats view. Selects the database for which to display metrics.
Display Opcounters on Separate Charts Directs Cloud Manager to split the Opcounters chart into its individual components. You can then choose to chart one or more of those components.
Display Timeline Annotations Directs Cloud Manager to display or hide chart annotations. Chart annotations consist of colored vertical lines that indicate server events, such as a server restart or a transition in member state.

Chart Display

When viewing charts, you can do the following:

Task Action
View a detailed description of a chart.

Hover your mouse over the chart to display the context menu.

Click the i icon next to the chart name to open the Chart Info modal. This modal includes a breakdown of the chart’s data series, the annotations available for that chart, and the operations the chart supports.

Expand a chart.

Hover your mouse over the chart to display the context menu.

Click the two-way arrow at the top right of the chart.

Zoom in on a period of time.

Click and drag the mouse pointer over a portion of the chart.

To reset to the originally selected range (zoom out), double-click the chart.


When you zoom in on a period of time, the Current Display date range in the chart control section automatically updates to reflect the selected period.

View statistics at a particular time. Hover the mouse pointer over a point on the chart.
Move a chart. Click and hold the grabber in the upper left corner of the chart, and drag the chart to the new position.
Share a URL to the chart.

Hover your mouse over the chart to display the context menu.

Click the curved arrow on the chart. Select Chart Permalink to retrieve a URL to the chart. Select Email Chart to e-mail the chart.

The recipient of the chart URL must have a Cloud Manager user account with access to the project and deployment.

Chart Selection

Cloud Manager displays the available metrics to chart for the selected deployment under the Toggle Charts header.

  • Charts marked with plus icon are inactive.
  • Charts marked with minus icon are active.

Click on any chart to toggle the chart state.

Enable or Disable Real-Time Performance Panel for a Project

Required Privileges

To enable Real-Time Performance Panel for a project, you must have the Project Owner role for the project.

Real-Time Performance Panel is enabled by default. To disable or enable the Real-Time Performance Panel:


Click Settings.


Toggle the button next to Real-Time Performance Panel.

View Real Time Metrics


Real Time metrics are available for MongoDB deployments managed by Automation, using Automation version 3.3.1 or later.

Real Time metrics are also available for MongoDB Atlas.

Cloud Manager supports Real Time metrics for mongod or mongos processes and replica set deployments. For sharded cluster deployments, you can view Real Time metrics for each shard replica set.

To view Real Time metrics for a specific Cloud Manager deployment in a project, click the Metrics button for that deployment. Alternatively, click on the name of the deployment to open the deployment overview, then click the Metrics tab. From the Metrics tab, click the Real Time.


To access this feature, you must be have the Project Owner or Project Data Access Admin Cloud Manager user roles.

You can view the stats in either Table view or the Graph view.

Table View

Fields Description
Displays the number of the specified operations (commands, queries, etc.) that mongostat has reported.
Time / Read
Time / Write
Time / Command
Displays latency statistics for current read requests, write requests, and other database commands. Available only for MongoDB 3.4+. To learn more, see opLatencies at serverStatus.
Scanned / Returned
Scanned Objects / Returned
Displays the ratio of documents and objects scanned to documents and objects returned in current queries. These statistics are useful in determining if and how a query uses an index. To learn more, see Analyze Query Performance.
Active Readers
Active Writers
Queued Readers
Queued Writers
Displays the number of active reads, queued reads, active writes, and queued writes that mongostat has reported.
Lag Time
Available only for secondary members of a replica set. Displays the time required to replicate operations from the primary to the secondary members of a replica set. To learn more, see Replica Set Secondary Members.
Disk Util
Sys Mem

The displayed statistic depends on the operating system of the nodes in your cluster:

  • Linux: Displays the currently used percentage of CPU and disk capacity and the total physical memory usage, excluding buffers, cache and swap space, of the machine hosting MongoDB.
  • macOS: Displays the currently used percentage of CPU and disk capacity and the total physical memory usage, excluding cache and swap space, of the machine hosting MongoDB.
  • Windows: Displays the currently used percentage of CPU and disk capacity and the total physical memory usage of the machine hosting MongoDB.
Bytes In
Bytes Out
Displays the number of current connections to the machine hosting MongoDB and the number of inbound and outbound bytes that mongostat has reported.

Click on ellipsis h icon to hide or display fields from the table.

Graph View

Chart/Location Description
Connections, Network In, Network Out
(Top of panel)
Displays the number of current connections to the machine hosting MongoDB and the number of inbound and outbound bytes that mongostat has reported.
CPU, Disk Util, and Sys Mem (Top of panel)

The displayed statistic depends on the operating system of the nodes in your cluster:

  • Linux: Displays the currently used percentage of CPU and disk capacity and the total physical memory usage, excluding buffers, cache and swap space, of the machine hosting MongoDB.
  • macOS: Displays the currently used percentage of CPU and disk capacity and the total physical memory usage, excluding cache and swap space, of the machine hosting MongoDB.
  • Windows: Displays the currently used percentage of CPU and disk capacity and the total physical memory usage of the machine hosting MongoDB.
Operations Displays the number of operations as reported by mongostat.
Query Execution Times Displays latency statistics for current read requests, write requests, and other database commands. Available only for MongoDB 3.4+. To learn more, see opLatencies at serverStatus.
Query Targeting Displays the ratio of documents and objects scanned to documents and objects returned in current queries. These statistics are useful in determining if and how a query uses an index. To learn more, see Analyze Query Performance.
Reads & Writes Displays the number of active reads, queued reads, active writes, and queued writes as reported by mongostat.
Replication Lag Available only for secondary members of a replica set. Displays the time required to replicate operations from the primary to the secondary members of a replica set. To learn more, see Replica Set Secondary Members.
Hottest Collections

Displays the collections with the most operations that mongotop has reported. For each hot collection, the table also displays the Utilization Percent for the collection.

Utilization Percent is calculated from the read and write times that mongotop has reported during a sample period. Specifically, the Utilization Percent is the percentage (rounded to the nearest 0.1%) of the read and write times for a collection relative to the read and write times for all collections in the deployment during the sample period. If no read and write operation occur during this period, the Utilization Percent may be 0%.

The hottest collections correspond to the most current time displayed in the charts. That is, if the display is running (i.e. not paused), the collections correspond to the hottest collections at the current timestamp. If the display is paused, the collections correspond to the hottest collections at the paused time.

Slowest Operations

Displays the slowest operations that the db.currentOp() has reported.

The operations correspond to the most current time displayed in the charts. That is, if the display is running (i.e. not paused), the operations correspond to the slowest operations at the current timestamp. If the display is paused, the operations correspond to the slowest operations at the paused time.

Click on the operation to view the detailed JSON document that db.currentOp() has reported for the operation.

Users with the Data Access Admin role can access buttons to force stop an operation or an inactive transaction in the operation details panel:

To stop a slow operation:

  1. Click the operation in the Slowest Operations pane.

  2. Click Kill Op in the Operation Details pane.

    Alternatively, click Kill Session if the operation is an inactive transaction.

  3. Click Yes, terminate this operation in the Confirm Operation modal.

To learn more about transactions, refer to the MongoDB manual.

To hide/show a metric in the graph, click on the color box for the metric.

Read Exact Metrics from Graph View

If you pause the Graph view of the Real-Time Performance Panel, you can hover over a line graph to see its exact value, along with the slowest operations and hottest collections, at a given moment in time.

Stop and Restart Display

To stop the update of the stats displayed, click the Pause button. The Pause button only stops the update of the displays and does not pause the collection of the underlying data.

To restart the display updates, click Play.